Aaloo chhat

Aaloo Chat Delhi Style

Delhi Style Aloo Chaat

Super tasty Delhi-style aaloo chat is one of the famous street food of India. Chatpata cheat is very simple to make.

10 Boiled Potatoes

1 tsp cumin seeds powder

1 tsp black pepper powder

1 tsp chat masala powder

1 tsp red chili powder

1 tsp salt 1 tsp red chutney

1 tsp green chutney

1 chopped onion

1 chopped green chili

i coriander leaves

oil for fry


chopped the potatoes in medium size deep fry pieces of potatoes till golden brown

In a bowl add fried potatoes, black pepper powder, cumin seeds powder, chat masala powder, chili powder, salt, red chutney, and green chutney and mix gently

now aloo chat is ready to serve with chopped onion, coriander leaves, and chili

read morettps://bhojandeep.com/sattu-ki-puri/

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